Gorilla Safety and You

a truck driver who uses the Gorilla Safety fleet management system & ELD

Over the next several weeks, you will notice an uptick in our blog posts, emails and social media presence. We are doing this to open a better line of communication with you, our much-appreciated clients. We want to let you know when releases are coming out, information on our product, new compliance rules and regulations and to keep you up to date with some of the general happenings within the trucking industry.

We hope by implementing this line of communication, we can better engage with you and you better with us on a week-to-week basis. The biggest issue in the world of business today is that communication only occurs around business needs. Why can’t we interact outside the realm of the transactional relationship? Why can’t we provide you with more information about our operations, the general trucking world and the other items that affect you, the people that run our nation?

The simple answer is, there isn’t a reason. This is our direction and now, our chance to fix that stigma. There is little doubt that each one of you keeps up with the industry to the very granular level. So do we, but we all miss things that impact the industry. When it comes to new regulations, wouldn’t you like to know where and when you can make comments and have your voice heard before new rules are passed? We can and will help you with that within this new structure.

What we hope happens with this endeavor is that you know where we stand as a company. We want you to understand that we stand behind you as you work tirelessly to help us keep the life that we’ve grown accustom to. We want you to feel appreciated and we would like to add to your voice in order to get your concerns heard when we can.

I hope you follow our blogs, respond to our requests for information and participate with us on our social media platforms. Without you there, this nation would not have made it through this pandemic. Without you, our nation would not be where we are today and for that, we thank you.

Mark Walton, CEO